Between 1975 and 1990 Paddington Printshop supported local campaigns and celebrations in west London by creating graphics with and for our neighbours. In the process it helped to shape the local physical, cultural, and political environment in which it operated.
This site is an archive of this work, and the people and organisations involved
The site, which is created and maintained by lps21, is currently under construction and is regularly updated with new material. If you have information that you think would be of interest, or you would just like to say hello, please contact us.
A book Paddington Printshop Posters is published by Four Corners
A personal reflection about the Printshop and its posters is the subject of a talk by John Phillips (2019)
Original posters are kept in the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) and the International Institute of Social History (ISSH)